Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day One Chicken Addition

We almost got it done, I have painting left and the new roosts need added but for now we are pooped.  All pictures are small, you can click on them to make each and EVERY one bigger if you wish!  :)

In this one he has taken the egg boxes off

Sylvie is supervising and complaining, doesn't want change!

Old egg box in coop since it is still early in the morning, as you can see, Sylvie checking this out, too.  All the rest played in the yard but she kept watch on what we were doing.

Sylvie again, what the heck are we doing?  Kept going in and out and trying to fly through the outside window to see what was going on.

Cutting out the hole for addition insertion

Sylvie outside trying to get up to the window.

Now she's in front trying to figure out what we are doing?

Here she is at the side again trying to fly in the window

Next box occupied but not used until I put the curtains back on

Chicken watching

Sassy & Diller grazing

The young girls checking out the egg boxes

The side of the coop is now cut out

Inserted other portion onto it and now have cement in leg holes

Back view of addition set in.  Had to undo trellis so could get it in-between!

My window to see in this end, may have more on the sides but needed to finish this much up today.  The window slides to the right and has screen on inside.

View from other side, the camera had a Coop Closed for Cleaning sign up and we had carpet inside so we could crawl in and screw the new section into place.

Roof now on and sides painted to match (my job)

The door will have the egg boxes on it and it will swing open to the left.

Egg box door on, yay!  We can stop for the day!  All holes are sealed!

Trellis back in place.  All the trim will now be painted Farmhouse Red.  Another day though, we're pooped!  At least it wasn't 100 degrees today!

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