Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today is the day!

The pieces are all made to make the addition to the chicken coop.  We have to squeeze the new section into place and cut a hole in-between.  It will be interesting.  First holes have to be dug for the two legs and we have to remove the current egg box before, and then try to get it in place between the current wall and a arbor.  We aren't going to move the arbor unless we have to but I'm thinking we might since it has to have legs go into holes and go up under the current roof section.  I'll post pictures.
After we get it in place we still have to screw into place, put the roof on, flooring in, and install new roosts, along with screwing it to the previous coop.  Cement the legs in is also in the works.  I'm thinking I'll not fence in that section for the run but put bricks around it and fill it with sand and they will have a personal dust bathing area to use outside of their coop.

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