Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Friends Passing

I lost a good friend yesterday.  I just found out today.  I met Sandy and Terry Hampson about 15 years ago.  They had just moved here and she came to one of my pond club meetings.  She brought sketchbooks from SBMAC-SketchBook MailArt Club to show me.  She started me in stamping.
He had only been sick for a couple of months and in the last two weeks went downhill fast, it could be a good thing or a bad thing according to how you look at it.  Either way, he will be missed.  Every time I called to talk to Sandy he would say, I'll get my bride.  He was so funny, it was like they had just gotten married.  His bride.  He was always nice and had a wonderful personality and I wish I had spent more time with the both of them.
I will miss you, Terry!

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