Friday, October 25, 2013

Doctor Week & stolen scooter

I was sick one day this week and I had a doctors appointment that day for a regular checkup.  I had the stomach flu and my health otherwise is good.  I went for a blood draw, urinalysis, and a chiropractor appointment yesterday.  The blood and urine is to go along with my checkup.  The chiropractor is because I had a free tune up for sending Steve to them so I used it.  The same day I had my doctors appointment, Steve had a checkup with Troy (our normal doctor).  After the appointments are over later in the day my son came by and Steve proceeds to tell him that his blood pressure has been going up a bit and he's been having the chest pains again. 
What?  Am I the last to know?  I was just a bit pissed off, he didn't tell me because I might worry, does he realize I worry either way?  His 6 month check up with his heart doctor was yesterday, they did an EKG and he said he is ok, they decided it is his acid reflux causing the pains and told him to add an over the counter heartburn med to see if it helped.  I'm not scared to death anymore but worry?  I always worry, especially since I have called and he has not answered.  Ever since I read the blog where the lady's husband was working on the chicken coop and she want in to move the laundry from washer to dryer and she came back and her husband was gone.  I'm like gone?  where did he go?  Oh, shit, really gone!  Now that is scary!!!
The highlight of yesterday was when I went out to go and get my blood draw done our driveway gate was open.  Hmm, wonder who left it open.  Then I glanced around, Stephanie's scooter was gone.  The batteries were out and someone opened the gate and rolled it away.  Luckily insurance covers it and we will now be locking all gates at night.  And was it my fault?  We got this new beautiful lamp pole that I insist on leaving on all night.  It is on a timer from dark until daylight, did I light the way for them?  Now the light goes off at midnight like Steve originally had it planned, I don't want to light the way for any more theft. 

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