Friday, November 22, 2013


I just read a blog that was honest.  Honesty can get you in trouble sometimes by family because they don't like what you say.  You only say the truth as you see it or should I say you say it as you see it.  I had a blog before this one and I deleted it because it pissed off family members.  I wrote a story about a part of our life that was kind of true but I changed the names and places.  I actually wrote a pretty good story but the ones whom read it got even madder.  I'm glad that part of my life is over and all is well in our Kingdom.
I don't write every day but there is no reason to.  How can you write about nothing happening?  You can't, you write when it does strike you and when you have accomplished something.
I have been off work since the after noon of  November 17th, had company until yesterday, and the day before Rachel and Aiden left I came down with a terrible cold.  They left yesterday and I spent all day sleeping on and off in my recliner.  I could breathe better there than I could laying in bed.  I was better last night but the headache is here so I need to get another cup of coffee and take some Tylenol and start with the cold medicines for the day.
I'm not sure what I'll accomplish for today, other than go through two boxes of Kleenex again.  I do feel better than I did yesterday so that is good.

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