Saturday, May 10, 2014

Broken Wing

The two young Americauna's keep going in the lower nest boxes to hide from the big girls and we would open it and shoo them out.  My husband was doing it and the yellow Bossy got out and in the  the other one was also trying to get out, and in the middle of this the lid came down and hit Tizzy's wing.  I watched her for a bit and she was holding it down farther than the other.  I got her out and felt it and I could feel the click.  So, inside we came and researched online for broken wings and several sites were helpful.  Her wing is now Vet Wrapped and strapped to her body.  The site said to leave it that way for two weeks.  This is her third wrap and it seems to be working.  I'll have to go out before dark and lock them inside the little coop because last night Bossy went over the fence as normal and Tizzy was following and trying to get up on the big coop and fell down.  I think it stunned her because she just laid there.  Or maybe it was disbelief that she didn't make it.  Either way to keep them safe, I'll lock them up before Bossy leads them over the fence again.   I'll keep track and post it.  I know I'll need more Vet Wrap.  I'm just broken hearted but I know it was an accident and it will be okay and she seems to be holding up fine.  Today she is looking good and the wing is still where I put it.

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