Saturday, February 28, 2015

Coop & Run Clean Up Day

The weather was great yesterday and it is supposed to rain for the next few days so I decided to clean out the coop and nest boxes.  I have an order I go in.
1) Clean out poop trays that way when I knock poop on the floor during cleaning it doesn't mess up an already cleaned area.
2) Rake out old straw into wheelbarrow.  This took two wheelbarrows full.  This went into the bottom of two stock tanks that will be garden planters this year.  I needed filler in the bottom before I add compost and soil.
3) Usually I get the wet/dry vac, but I was lazy and just got the broom and dustpan and swept out the bottom.  Next I rake out the coop area and take out any big leftovers, such as the dead rosemary bush that I tossed in there for them.  It kept them entertained for a bit, I then went around and emptied out the nest boxes.  Go dump wheelbarrow.
4) Add new straw to inside.  I just lay chunks in, they spread it for me.  Must be something in the middle, right?
5) Add new pine chips to nest boxes and I then put dried herbs (lemon balm, oregano, sage, marigolds) in the nest boxes.  I used up my cuttings from the fall with this cleaning.  I usually add them all winter. 

I also got my seeds started in the greenhouse for my garden.  I have many pipes and containers, plus my brick raised bed from last year and this year I added a block addition to it on one side.  I may not use all the seedlings that I start.  What I don't put in we will sell at the home and garden show in April at the Cerbat Garden Club booth.  Oh, I forgot!  I joined the garden club last year and this year was guilted into being Treasurer.  We'll see how that works out.

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