Friday, March 24, 2017

Offtime & Baby Goat Watch

I took the week off from my various classes of painting and quilting.  I needed to get my yard put together.  I usually have all my roses trimmed back by the end of January and I guess they are not getting done this year.  I did six because the one bed has Bermuda grass in it and I needed to see in-between the roses so I could clear it all out.  I saved the long bed out by the chicken coop for last.  I finished it up this morning.  I've dug up and moved several plants and gave away a bunch.  I have several plants potted up for the home show along with the 12 flats of veggies that I'm babysitting.
I have mowed the lawn & weeded all flower beds.
We're still waiting for baby goats.  The first calculator said she was due on March 29th and the one I used a couple of weeks ago says tomorrow (25th).  She still has ligaments or I think so because it has felt the same for the last week or so I've checked.  She has a bag but it's not full and tight yet.  She is funny, she waddles and my family is betting on two or three kids.  We'll see.  I would love more than one, but this is her first so 1-2.  Guess we'll see!
I bought 1"x2" boards and screws and put bracing inside my craft cupboard shelves.  They have been bowing.  We cut boards to go across the front underneath to brace them.  My husband cut the first 2 boards for me and made a jig so I could drill straight holes.  I went today and got the last board and used his cordless mini saw and finished up.  It looks good and the shelves should be much better now.

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