Tuesday, April 18, 2017

To Be or Not To Be a Chicken Mom

My Cuckoo Maran decided to be broody.  I found her sitting on golf balls.  I tossed her out of the next for several days and then I asked around for 6 fertile eggs.  I got eggs and didn't mark them and ended up with extras.  After the second day I marked them and would take out the ones without a mark.  After 3 days of one of the eggs being broken I came up with Plan B.
I only wanted a couple of new pullets.  I was standing at the chick area at Tractor Supply and told Steve that I only needed a couple and they would only sell in batches of six.  We were walking away and the lady next to us said, "Wait a minute".  It was buy six and get two free.  I gave her $5 and she had them separate them into two boxes and I got my two chicks.  They are Gold Sex Links.
I took them home and after dark pulled the eggs that were left from my hen and popped the two chicks under her.  The next day I checked.  The chicks were in the run and she had moved boxes to the one with wooden eggs and golf balls.  I kicked her out and blocked off both nests on the lower half.  That night I opened them up and she went in.  I had to put the chicks in. 
The next day, she was leading them around and they were sitting under her, on top of her, etc.  I'm really amazed that the big girls are not bothering them.  Steve build a set of steps up to the next box so they could follow her in at night and it worked.  All is well.

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