Friday, June 23, 2017

Life Goes On

It has been a busy while.  With my classes and having to make sure Grace got fed, I didn't have a lot of extra time.  Amazing Grace and Marco Polo went to their new homes two weeks ago tomorrow.  They left on Saturday and on Tuesday we loaded the pod on the roof of the truck with camping stuff and clothes, the goats in the back of the truck and the Combi-Camp behind.  Steve, I, Molly the McNab, and two goats went to Colorado the the NAPgA Rendezvous 2017.  We had a great time in the 70 degree weather, hiked a bit, hauled water for the goats every day.  We visited with everyone, watched the demo's, and had meals with people we didn't know.  We are ordering two kid packs for the goats to hike with, and found a leather-professional hand crank sewing machine that we are going to order.  Steve wants it to do leather work with.

We came home to a heatwave, it has been 108 almost every day since we got home.  The animals have been smart and staying inside.  I've got misters in the chicken run and goat pen to help keep them cool.  Me?  I've only been outside in the early morning and evening when I have to.  I've been milking Dahlia since the babies have been gone.  It was a challenge on the trip, but we put the tailgate on the truck down, the ladder on it's side behind the top glass of the camper shell and Steve held Dahlia with her bowl of food at one side while I milked.  It worked, and she got used to it.  It is much easier to do on the milk stand. :)

 the goat set up
 Us & goat pen
 Our site
 Being lazy
 Our campsite from the road
 Baby goats for sale

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