Tuesday, November 13, 2018


I've been missing for two months, this is the longest I've ever not blogged, I think.  I went to Ireland the first of October and came home on the 10th.  I had a great time, saw castles and lots of green and fall was there and the leaves were turning.
After I was home for a week I got sick and I was down for about another 10 days.
I have finished a pumpkin quilt, will post a pic later, and just had my yearly craft show at the fairgrounds.  I did okay, the second day had to have me hubby come and put straps to trees so my booth wouldn't blow over.  My EZup had a broken clip so the leg wouldn't stay in so I had to buy another.  The new one is only about half as sturdy as the original.  I just couldn't get the new parts on time.  I still need to take it out of the bag and see if one of the legs has a model number on it so I can order a new top while I'm ordering the button pieces.
My chickens are moulting and the new ones are laying, I'm getting from 2-7 eggs a day and you can tell the difference between all the new eggs.  I have big, little, white, dark brown, light brown, big green, little green, nothing like a fun egg carton.  Can't get that in the store!

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