Sunday, January 13, 2019

Steampunk Clothing

My sister and I have been hitting Goodwill and buying things to upcycle into Steampunk articles and bought a couple things online.  I had a hat and I bought another and had to have goggles.  I've made two bustiers and have the faux leather to make one more but made a cheaper version first out of $8 a yard fabric before using the $40 faux leather.  I bought a red bustier online and now I'm going to change the pattern up a bit for the leather.  The one I made below.

I found the cute shirt at a thrift shop in Lake Havasu.  I need to make the shoulders about half an inch shorter and I want to make the bustier a bit longer.  This version has a ruffle on the bottom.  I'm chunky and there is a gap in the bustier and pants or skirts so I'm going to make the next one a bit longer to make up for it.  I found one online that I'm going to try to duplicate.  It has a zipper down the front and has the ties down the center of the back.  Then it has buckles down the front in front of the zipper.  I'll just have to study it a bit to get it right.
This is the one I bought.  It goes down longer so I'll use it for the length measurement.

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