Monday, February 11, 2019

Felted Bag

I spun all this fiber and decided to make another felted bag.  What sucks is I have a new front loader and I can tell you it isn't nearly as fast working as an old agitator.  I did it like 6 times, the last two times I put a half gallon jug of water in the bag and pinned the top closed so it would tumble with weight, I put my dogs balls in the washer and a couple of pair of jeans.  I put my boot in the pics so you can see the difference.  the first two are before felting, the second two are after 4 washings and the last one is the final product.  I still need to steam the handle with the iron because it is twisting, but it's done.
in the beginning

It got much smaller after MANY washings.

I did two more after the above pic and I had to steam the handle as it had a twist in it.  Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I made it from wool to bag.

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