Saturday, March 28, 2020

A New Ultrasound

My leg started swelling from my knee to my toes and I spent 3 days with my leg in the air.  So, to make sure I did not have a blood clot, I had an emergency ultra sound on my leg.  My opinion?  I should have taken care of that dang large varicose vein before my knee surgery.  I told my doc, it was making my leg swell b4 the surgery, but she said, no you have a good pulse in your foot so we're good to go.  Except for my leg swelling....

I still have 3 more wallets to finish but with all this crap in the world going on right now and my leg swelling I haven't sewn much.  I did brave the store and bought some meat and other supplies while they still have some.

I have my 6 week check up this next Wed.  I will drive to Flagstaff, go to the dr. office, get back in my truck, gas up with gloves that I bought so I don't have to touch gas pumps, will wear mask and gloves everywhere I stop to pee.  Coming straight home with a stop on the side for lunch that I'm packing.

I cooked a turkey to make space in the freezer and gave the second one to my daughter who has 3 kids.  I boiled the carcass down and made turkey broth and I raw packed 6 jars of London broil that was on sale and threw all in the canner yesterday.  We will not starve if we totally get stuck at home!

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