Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Hugelkulter Bed

I am making it longer than I originally planned.  That side of the yard was the driveway for the old neighbors, there is a berm along the fence line so when it rains, water should naturally water the bed and soak in.  This is the corner, I just added the big logs from my other neighbors yard.  It is a work in progress, it probably won't be done for a year or more, I'll just keep adding to it.

This little tree is a pistachio, that has male & female on the same tree.

I have three holes dug in this pic as you can see and I planted Mondel Pines in them, the hugelkulter bed will come up to this end for this tree.

A closer look of where I've ended so far.  I'll just keep making it longer as I have extra cardboard.

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