Monday, March 14, 2022

Lizzie Troubles

 My Tin Lizzie Apprentice started breaking thread and breaking thread more.  I finally called our only repair man here and it took him almost 2 weeks to be able to come.  I changed needles rethreaded all the normal stuff.  

He cleaned the bobbin area, moved thread guides, fixed the dents in the throat plate, where apparently, I had hit it with the needle, ran it, charged me $125 as it was doing okay on the piece of fabric and batting, I had put on the end.  But he never checked any tension.

I finally got a quilt loaded the following Saturday and my thread was breaking again.  I played with the top tension, and it still wasn't working, I called and left a message on their machine as I was very frustrated!!  I took both of my bobbin cases to our local quilt shop, and both were set way too tight.  I'll be getting a Towa Bobbin Guage of my own and checking every quilt.  Between the tension being fixed on my bobbin and a bit of playing with the top tension, she is now sewing good.  I've actually done two rows across without breaking ANY thread.  Yay!  Now to get the three quilts of my own done.  On Lizzie right now, is my Alaska quilt.

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