Friday, August 2, 2013

Poop Catcher Part Three

I took them out today and changed the rods.  The cheap spring rods weren't working but the side with the dowels was working fairly well.  I put eye bolts in the center and open eyes on the outside and changed to all dowels.  I think they will hold up better than the cheap spring rods.  We'll see.
My Sassy has been back in the coop for a day and is doing well, her neck is all healed and looking good.  Her feathers should come back in soon.
I cleaned coops today and raked out the straw and gave them a new pile to tear apart.  I also made juice in my Jack LaLane Juicer today and gave them the leftover stuff.  It had carrot, mango, grapes, cucumber, and a nectarine.  The big girls loved it; the young ones weren't sure of it.

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