Friday, September 27, 2013

Stubborn Chickens

Three of my young girls go inside every night to the new sleeping section of the coop.  The older girls get the highest bar and the younger ones get the lower roost.  Every night I go outside and Sassy, my buff Polish, is on the ladder outside and Diller, gold laced polish, and Buffy are perched in the doorway.  So, I take my handy flashlight, gather a couple of chickens and go round and put them through the egg box door and on the low perch and then go back in the coop and gather up Sassy and put her in.  Hopefully they catch on soon and do it themselves so I don't have to do this ritual every night.  Remember our one Araucana would do the same thing, perch on the ladder, it got to when she saw me coming, she would squawk and go inside on her own.
We took the Little Red Coop out yesterday afternoon and it is sitting on one end so I could hose it out and then will go into storage.  We also installed two more sections of corrugated tin on the roof so when/if it rains they will have a bigger dry spot to stand under than only under the coop.
I've been getting four eggs a day, six chickens laying and four eggs, hmmm, something is wrong with this picture.  The new girls should start laying at the end of next month.

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