Thursday, November 7, 2013

Moulting Chickens

My egg production is down to zero.  A few weeks ago the production starting dropping and it was weird, then about a week later I noticed more feathers than usual, then it dropped to two a day and yesterday we got nada, zero, nilch!   The inside of the coop has tons of feathers.  Today I will go out and clean out the coop, I think I'll get the blower and blow them out of the coop and then do my normal raking of the run.  I have been feeding them meat scraps, we made turkey meatballs and had leftovers, some leftover meats another time, and I've given them some scrambled eggs.  A bit more protein than they usually do.  I also need to run today and pick up a bag of feed, we are almost out.
I gave my two week notice at work last Sunday.  I have four more work days left and I'm scheduled as Garden Associate instead of cashier next week so I'll at least spend the last week with the people I care about the most.  Not that I don't care about the rest but I'm in garden most of the time and I know these people better and that is where I'd rather be.  They will miss me. :)

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