Monday, November 11, 2013

Neglected Chickens

I've been trying to get stuff done for my craft show in the last week and then this weekend I had the craft show.  They ended late and we went out to eat both nights so they haven't had much run time.  Last night I let them out but left them out so they didn't get their evening scratch yet again.  I'm a faithful mommy and give it to them every night to get them in their run after letting them out.  I'm glad they put themselves away though. :) 
I will also be glad when they fill in their feathers again and start laying again.  My new ones aren't laying yet, my daughter has gotten eggs all week from her May chickens.  Mine should start any time now, it will make up for the moulting THIN Barred Rocks.  They are only half as fluffy as they normally are.  We put two roosting bars in the coop when we added on and they all seem to squeeze onto the higher roost.  I think I'll move Mister Rooster to the lower bar and see if anyone moves over to be with him. :)

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