Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The "Coop" camera is down & infra red light

My coop camera is down, this is the one inside the coop.  It started acting funny, okay it was possessed, what can I say?  It would scan the whole coop, shut down, reboot, then be okay for a bit, then it would do a circuit, shut down, and then reboot again.  It is now sitting here and it's replacement will be here on Friday.
I mentioned in another post that chickens can see in infra red.  My husband found out about it.  I was wondering because they seemed really active when I would look at them.  Before the camera went crazy we started shutting the light off and I would check on them and turn it on for a minute so I could look and turn it back off when I was done.  When I would check on them, they would have heads tucked under and sleeping so the truth is:  Chickens Can See in Infra-Red light.  I'm missing my camera, too, I love being able to check on them inside and out. 

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