Friday, November 15, 2013

New TCS in town & cleaning the coop

I wanted one of those poop scoopers that is plastic to clean the coop with.  We went to the local hay & feed to check prices, then to our new Tractor Supply.  The one at the local was $18.99 and the one at TSC was $16.99 so I bought it, and I've been reading that if you use the black rubber tub with ping pong balls it won't freeze so grabbed one of those.  It was cheaper and we got 10% off since they are having a grand opening and we got a free hat for Steve.

We got home and had to shorten the handle to use in my coop and it worked just great.  I wanted it to kind of filter the big stuff from the small pellets.  It also worked well on the feathers that were all over the inside of the coop, too. 
I then finished raking out the run and put the new water bowl in.

The last thing on my list was I have been thinking of putting Vet RX on wattles and combs so I caught one girl at a time and did just that and put petroleum jelly on all legs for preventative measure.  I just realized I did not do my Polish girls, Sassy & Diller's legs so I'll get to them tomorrow.  I also bought a bag of Purina's Feather Fixer so it should help with my Barred Rocks moulting.  They were all grumpy and at least two of them lost lots of feathers just by sitting on my lap and having massages on heads and legs.

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