Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Me Mannequin

I wanted a dress form, but as sizes vary and I'm cheap.  You Tube has some great videos on making your own.  Some wear an old t-shirt and some wear a trash bag.  Some use duct tape and some use packing tape you wet as you go.  It cost $9 at Staples for the tape and it took an hour to make.
I am not thin, mind you, and I just made a dress that was the right size and I had to add 4"of fabric to each side to make it fit.  It would have been much easier if I would have had a body form then and that is when the thought began that it would be great to have a body form that is ME.
It took an hour and I used a trash bag with added cellophane around the arms and neck.  My husband wrapped and my niece cut the tape for us.
Here is what we have so far.  Front, back, and on a rack I salvaged from my old job that was headed for the trash.


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