Monday, March 17, 2014

The Awkward Stage

My Americauna chicks have reached that awkward stage where they still peep but are mostly feathers with fluff in-between.  They are finally getting used to us sticking our hands in the cage and they love going outside in their little fenced in area.  They run and jump at and over each other and dust bathe while out there.  I've also decided on names for them.  The yellow one is going to be "Bossy" because she is, and the other one is Tizzy because she runs around in a tizzy.  I love this stage where they look different every week and in another couple of weeks they will be big enough to go outside.  Well, if there is no freezes coming, I'll be watching the weather.  There are people here who have put theirs outside but I love the stage where you can almost watch them grow.

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