Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Too Cold Outside

I decided  yesterday that my two chicks are big enough to go outside at night.  We got their little area ready this week. Got the little red coop aka brooder in place and raised the sides a bit so cats can't jump in from the table.  I already have food and water in there because they have been outside every day in it.
I set up a 60W light in a corner that could not be knocked down and set the time so it comes on before dark and goes off at sun light.  I left them out there as it got dark.  After 3 tries of putting them inside and going back to check and they kept coming back out.  I would chase, catch, and put them in on the roost in the little coop.  The last time I checked they were waiting for me at the gate and didn't run.  They wanted to come back inside.  They are spoiled ROTTEN!  I'll try again for the next few nights but I'm going to be gone for this next week starting on Monday and I don't want my family to have to clean their cage every day like I've been having to. :).

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