Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Old Bottles & Fabric Flowers

On our local freecycle last week a note was sent.  I have old bottles if anyone wants them.  A week later, the guy writes me and says, sorry the number I gave you was my house phone and it hasn't been working which is why you couldn't get hold of me.  Me:  hmmm, I never got that note but yes, I'll take your bottles.  Made an appoint to go and pick them up.  Apparently they were in his shed filling shelves.  There was a 5' round circle on the ground of bottles.  Some old, some new but I filled the back of my Toyota Matrix and came home.  I left some, the back was very full.  I will use some and re-offer some later after I pick through and keep what I want.  Now, as to what I am going to do with the bottles?
I found this very cute book on Amazon:
She has little prairie point flowers in it on a wire with a button.  The only problem I found is that she never said what size to cut the flower.  I started with a 5" square of fabric and they were so big the button wouldn't fit.  I ended up at 2-1/2" squares to get the flowers the size I wanted.  I plan on making flowers for the first three bottles I've brought in and after the flowers are done I will do some painting on the bottles to match or coordinate.

1 comment:

  1. Robin, I adore your fabric flowers... they are lovely! Best of all, they'll keep year round! Thanks so much for sharing at Dandelion House Sewing Party!
