Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 2014 Yard Shots

View from the back patio.  Note chicken proofing in front of flower bed.  Behind the flower bed and under the Mimosa tree are the two teenage Americauna's in their little area and Little Red Coop.
The kids inside their little area.  This is the AFTER the brooder area.

Tizzy with her wing wrap still in place.  It will come off this Sunday.

Both girls, Bossy and Tizzy, figured out I put new food in.

On the other side of the arbor where the chicks reside is the big coop.  We reseeded the lawn and I've been letting them out behind the coop area.  Not happy with all the grass and flower beds in the forbidden zone.

The view from across the yard, and see the pot flower area on right along the back fence.

Just to the left of where I'm standing is my studio windows.  Over the top you can see our boat cover/aka solar structure.  Yes, bars are on the windows because someone tried to break in these windows once.  Now we have camera's and bars.

Turning around again is my first rose bed and two arbors.  The middle is a Cecile Brunner rose going both ways on a copper trellis.  The far area is not allowed for the chickens because they toss all the mulch out into the pathways.

On the other side of the arbor you can see the coop.

The rose bed on this side is all blooming and I have Blanket Flower and daylilies in-between the roses.

This is another rose bed but...  at the closest end you can see a post and there is a Bartlett Pear planted in it and I have four sunflowers I'm leaving for the gold finches in the fall.  I have blanket flower in here also and chocolate flower, daylilies, and orange cosmos just coming up.

The last rose bed which is a divider.  This far area used to be the tortoise pen, but they both died in a cave in and I'm not having any more.  Our plans are to put another raised brick garden bed in this area.  The one we just made is behind me.

Last shot.  This one is next to the studio which is behind the boat and we filled it in with pavers so I threw a couple of chairs out there, can't have enough seating areas, can you?

1 comment:

  1. Ha. I love that you are "chicken proofing" I feel like I need to do that in a few places the 'girls' like to scratch! they seem to dig up quite a few patches and it can be so frustrating! thank you for linking up and sharing your gardens at Fishtail Cottage's garden party! oxxo, tracie
