Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Busy in the Studio - (long)

One of my students bought this map of the world panel for her husband at a quilt shop we visited in Prescott when we went last year for the quilt show.  She used colors in the map for the border.  I used a free motion water design to quilt it.

Same person won a kit for the small quilt below, we both made the little quilt but I did all the embroidery inside the blocks so it took me another year to actually finish mine.

Every two weeks our local Goodwill has a half off sale.  I peruse the big item area every time.  Usually they have sewing machines on a shelf in the electronic aisle.  I had gone by 3 times before I actually saw this case sitting on the floor.  I opened it up, saw it was a Necchi and took it directly to the electronic plug in area and it worked.  I had a couple previously and could kick myself for not keeping one.  It was a great find for $20 with the case and it works great!

Lastly, my friend and I have been making this #SewSweetness bag called the Sloan Travel bag and w finally finished them yesterday.  Below is her Day Trip Cell Phone Wallet I finished yesterday, also.  I am making lots more of these.

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