Saturday, September 21, 2013

Quilt & Bedroom Furniture

I won first place in the King size category at our county fair on my quilt.  I'm happy and there was a note on back saying nice and loved the backing.  The backing is chickens and was in the blue/brown color scheme so was perfect.  I'm adding photos of my bedroom showing the quilt and the furniture I redid/or added to.  I'm still up in the air on what to do with the headboard.  Steve made it for us long ago and stained and varnished it.  I kind of want to paint it brown to match or maybe go with the blue and make brown doors?  Also another roll top desk will be in the last photo that I still need to paint drawers on.  I think I'll leave it the color it is and just do the drawers.

Left of bed view
Right of bed

Center view of bed and head board.  The side doors flip down and the center is a roll top. 

Little roll top cupboard with new weaved runner

Close up of runner on it

The roll top desk that still needs something

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