Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Counting Days X2

I have a couple of reasons for counting the days but I can't tell about the first right now. :)  But, the second reason is my spring girls should start laying any time now.  I thought one was laying but haven't caught her in the box.  I've gotten a smaller egg than normal for the last couple of days but have been at work so don't know.  Hard to tell a difference when they all lay brown eggs. 
We found out last night that chickens can see in infrared light.  We put the new camera in the coop.  We would check on them in the evening and some are still standing up, preening, and so on much after dark.  Steve did a search and they can see in the infra red light so we'll have to turn the lights off now as it gets dark, we don't want them still thinking it is daylight and staying up past their bed time.

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