Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Steve's Health Update

So I was worried about nothing, his heart doctor says it is not his heart.  His EKG looks good his chest pain is probably his acid reflux rearing up.  He told him to take an extra over the counter medicine like Prevacid when it is acting up.  I will still worry as I expect this man to be around a LOT longer.
So, back to my boring family life we go.  I've had a break from Stephanie as she's been at Aunt Susie's for the last 3 days.  Makes it very quiet around here.  We haven't heard anything about her scooter, I'm sure it is gone to never be found.  We called our home owners insurance and it is covered with a deductible.  We already ordered her a replacement and it has been shipped out already.  We now have the light go off around midnight and all our gates are locked.  My other plan for later was to get a big dog for the yard and I guess that time is getting closer all the time.  I just didn't want to do it if we were going to be traveling and would be leaving for long periods of time.  Guess it will have to be thought out a lot more.  Two dogs is enough for now and Panzer is still going strong, can't hear or see well but he finds his way around the house and yard.  Although, he doesn't stray far from the grass so maybe he can't see far and stays close so he CAN find his way back.

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