Monday, November 4, 2013

My News

I put in my two week notice yesterday.  My last day will be November 17th.  I was going to quit in May when my car was paid off, then I had to have 10 teeth pulled and had partials made.  My dentist was out of network so my insurance didn't cover it all.  So, I had a bill there, but do you know how you have seen this one dentist most of your life and you like him and you trust him?  That is why I have an out of network dentist.  So, I just paid him off and now my plan has finally came to life. 
Rachel will be coming back from Africa in the next couple of weeks to visit before going back to England and I want to spend time with her and Aiden while they are here so decided now is the time.  I also didn't want to freeze again all winter at work.  I love the garden but like last winter I never knew where I would be.  This winter I will be warm and toasty and at home with my family. 
I have my craft show this weekend and the forecast for the weather is wonderful!  It is supposed to be in the low 70s, yay!Sales should be really good, too.  Hopefully I sell every cat and bear I just made! :)

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