Friday, October 18, 2013

Sassy's in Love!

For those of you just joining, Sassy is my Buff Laced Polish.  She started out looking like this.
Now she looks like this.

She got her name because when I got home from the post office and put them in the brooder, she immediately ran over and pecked my hand, thus the name Sassy.  Now, on with the story.
I got this really cool rooster from my friend for my birthday.  He is metal and beautiful.  Everyone says I need a rooster so now I have several assorted roosters of various kinds, a 2' tall one holding a solar light, several shelf sitters, a wall plaque, and now this rooster sized metal one.  I decided to put him in the coop on the high roost.  He is wired on so he will stay.  Now, Sassy still lives up to her name. 
She's decided that she is special and gets to sleep "outside" on the ladder so every night I have to go out and put her in the coop and on the roost.  But...  since I put the metal rooster in the coop, Sassy has been going in first and getting the spot next to the rooster where the "Barred Rocks Rule".  The Barred Rock Club usually gets the higher roost because they are older and meaner, but Sassy for the last 3 nights has gone in and is right next to the rooster.  Sassy's in love!  But Mrs. Mean Barred Rock kept pecking on her last night and the night before and caused such a tussle that the rooster went lopsided and Sassy tried to sit on him and she fell off.   I love my Coop Camera because I can watch this stuff.  :)  Last night  Mean Barred Rock kept pecking on Sassy so I went out and made Mrs. Mean (I'm calling her that because I have no idea of the six which one it was, it was dark) get off the roost.  I then moved Mr. Rooster over about 8" and put him between Sassy and the Barred Rocks.  She now has a divider between them and hopefully she'll remember that tonight when she goes in.  Have I mentioned I love my Coop Cam?  Also the outdoor Chicken Cam.  I can watch for trouble whereever I am.

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