Monday, October 14, 2013

The Beginning

I have had chickens before, but I only had one.  It started with just an inkling.  My friends, Terry and Sandy, decided to get chickens and I watched them build a chicken mansion.  Then friends from work came through and had a pile of lumber on their cart and said they were building a chicken coop.  Hmmm,  Robin thinks a bit more, then pops on Steve, I'd like to get chickens, my husband is easy going and will basically give me whatever I want.  He's only said no to me once.  He is my rock and the best decision I've ever made.
 I've always been a farm girl at heart but can't have a farm where I live.  I've had a goat, a pygmy goat, that is and she was a blast.  But, I couldn't keep her in the yard, no matter how high we made the fence, she still got out.   We rehomed her where they had more goats so I'm sure she is very happy.   I've had ducks, I've had a goose, and I've had a chicken or two.  Our last set was called Chicken and Duck.  Chicken gave us the random egg and she would go rounds with Steve's dog wanting what she had.  Chicken would jump up and take dog food from your hand.  We thought it was different. But, now we know most of the chickens will do that.  I have a flower bed in front of the porch and when it rains it fills up.  Duck used to swim in it.  Well, she looked like she was swimming because it was way too shallow so she was just walking but she had fun.  She laid a rubber egg once, which is what happens when you lay the egg in the kiddie pool.
I started reading on Back Yard Chickens (and more sites) and read how the home grown eggs are better for you and I wanted chickens.  I have looked at every chicken coop on Back Yard Chickens and I still do.  We made the Purina coop with a few changes and when we just added on, made more changes, but it is just how I like it now and it will last through time.
My husband had a stint put in last March.  Eggs are supposed to be high in cholesterol and not good for you.  Fresh eggs are better for you than store bought.  I'm glad we made the decision to get chickens.  They have personalities and I love watching them.  If I've had a bad day, I just go out back and watch them.  Every other night I have to go out and put Sassy my buff laced Polish in because she's decided to sleep on the ladder.  Not happening, all girls in the coop!

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