Saturday, March 15, 2014


I'm still working on costumes for the Renaissance Festival.  Mine is done, the fairy costume is almost done.  I just need to pick up some floral wire for the wings.  I picked up wings yesterday to refurbish.  Basically you use a set of wings and add to them.  Our plan is to totally cover the existing wings but they will be used as the frame.
I've got the basic dress done for Stephanie and now need to do the over dress that is brown suede material.  For some reason the zipper is tweaked in the under dress.  I hate zippers.  It looks fine until it is on and then it tweaks to the side.  I know I cut it on the right way so I have no clue why it goes off so far.  It's a good thing the over dress will cover it.
I will post pictures later when all are done. 

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