Sunday, February 1, 2015

Clearing Section of Yard for Nigerian Dwarf goats

The roses are all dug out and the pavers are moved from the walkways and Steve has been relocating all the rock to shallow places by our faucet and in the driveway where we always have puddles when it rains.  The pallets will be used to make a shelter for them.  The pipes are part of my garden.  I'll have to redo the watering system since it won't be needed in the rose beds and reroute it to the garden instead and for an auto waterer for the babies.  The hexagon pavers and rock will be left for a walkway to the garden.  I still have to move all the castle block you see from that section.  I'm adding on to the brick raised bed with them with a three tier level of these blocks and I put rings around the pear and plum tree with them.  The goat pen will be to the left of the walkway with the trees on the outside.

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