Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mites, Chickens and Update on Goat kids

I have the cleanest chicken coop around, I swear!  I regularly clean out the straw, clean the poop boards, put herbs in the egg boxes with fresh pine shavings.  This week I had three poopy butts so one a day I got out the pan with soapy water to clean rear ends.  A couple of them had these things attached to their feathers but it wasn't until the last butt that I realized what I was looking at.  We have MITES!  Darn it!  I'll go to HD box store today and pick up some powdered Sevin and tomorrow night we'll go out and dust 13 chickens.  We will be gone next weekend and they need done 3 times at 7 days apart so we'll do it on Monday, then the next two Mondays to get rid of them.  I'll also get out the Permethrin spray and do the inside of the coop and I need to get some more DE, too.
Latest on the goats is still a waiting game.  The first doe has had one kid, a buck that will be wethered, here are some shots of him that Sheri sent me.  The second one is due any time and I'm hoping to get a doe out of the second birthing.

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